My Owl's Library

 Welcome, home to reviews, hauls, and challenges of mostly YA and adult fantasy, mystery and historical fiction, with the occasional fashion and art/design books sprinkled in from time to time.

Eat like your book mates - Book Lovers' Menu #1

Reblogged from BookLikes:
— feeling hungry


Sometimes reading a book is just not enough. We want to feel what our favorite characters feel, live their lives in their worlds. Sometimes even eat what they eat... Already feeling hungry? Have a look at our today's book-inspired menu and take a bite:




Have a snack of some sweet honey with a crispy toast to awaken your taste buds and increase your appetite. 


Recommended by: Winnie the Pooh. (note from the Pooh Bear: The toast is optional!)


Winnie-the-Pooh - A.A. Milne






 Main Course

You can choose from two dishes:


Lamb stew on wild rice is a well balanced meal perfect for anyone who appreciates healthy food & sophisticated flavors. 


Recommended by: Katniss Everdeen 


The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins  





Chili with home made bread and coleslaw will be a perfect choice for anyone who enjoys deep flavors of home made dishes. 


Recommended by: Kay Scarpetta


All That Remains - Patricia Cornwell  





You can choose from two cakes:


If you enjoy sour-sweet flavor in your mouth lemon cake is definitely something that will come in handy this summer. Great refreshment and a treat for anyone having a sweet tooth. 


Recommended by: Sansa Stark


A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin  





Grab a magical cauldron cake if you're waiting for extraordinary experiences. You can share them with your friends but we doubt any  crumbs would be left once you give it a taste. Yum!


Recommended by: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling







Rustic supper includes roasted eggs and potatoes, a glass of frothed milk accompanied with hot oatcakes and buns, and raspberry cordial finale. 


Recommended by: Anne Shirley 


Anne of Green Gables - L.M. Montgomery 

What are your favorite book inspired dishes? 


Review to come on

Bones of Faerie (Faerie, #1) - Janni Lee Simner
Review to come for Janni Lee Simner's Bones of Faerie bk.1 of the Bones of Faerie trilogy 

Review for the Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

— feeling excited
Dziewczyna z pociągu - Paula Hawkins

My review for The Girl on the Train is up on my Blog




Finished reading

Malice: A Mystery - Keigo Higashino, Alexander O. Smith

Just finished this book, it was quite entertaining I will be posting a full review on my blog really soon 




Review on The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

The Blood of Olympus - Rick Riordan

My review of Rick Riordan last book in the Heroes of Olympus series is up come check it out 


Review to come soon

— feeling amazing
Dziewczyna z pociągu - Paula Hawkins


Review on Towering by Alex Flinn

My review of Towering by Alex Flinn is up come check it out

Here's a great article check it out

Discover new reviews and bloggers with tags

Reblogged from BookLikes:


Tags in your texts are like bookmarks in your books. Tags let you find book reviews, texts, photos, all kind of posts within the same thematic category. Tags open new discovery paths for exploring new book titles and book bloggers -- you can easily search through texts with given tags on BookLikes, add likes and comments, discover new bloggers, and start following new blogs. Apart from discovery role tags are also great to organize your texts. Here's how to use tags on BookLikes. 



Add tags to your texts

You can add new tags or use your previously tags in the writing box on the right.




Search tags on BookLikes

Searching tags and interaction with the posts are now easier with two ways of discovering tagged book reviews and texts. 


1. Dashboard search

Use the upper search box not only to search through BookLikes book catalog but also to search tags. Type tag, e.g. May 2015 to view texts with your May reading lists, and click Tags:




Look through texts with tag May 2015, add likes and comment, find new readers and start following them. 




You can also filter the texts with different kind of posts. Choose your Dashboard view on the right to view only this kind of text with a given tag:




2. Top tags

Go to your Dashboard or admin Blog (click the upper menu and Blog). You'll see Top Tags or Top Tags on BookLikes on your right, click and view the most popular tags of BookLikes community from the last week, and your most commonly used tags. 



 Top tags by BookLikes community and it your texts



Click the tag to view texts and reviews with this tag:



Let's start tagging! 



P.S. If you like the mustache bookmark, here's some more ideas for DIY bookmarks.

the Bookish Summer Vacation Tag


Let me know what books you would like to take with you on your vacations



Did everyone have fun

BookExpo America & BookCon 2015 here come BookLikes!

Reblogged from BookLikes:

Ne York

When I’m in New York, I just want to walk down the street and feel this thing, like I’m in a movie. Ryan Adams 


This week we are ditching our desks and fav coffee cups and going NYC! 


From 27th until 31 May you will find our BookLikes team at Javits Center, exhibiting during this year’s BookExpo America, we are staying until the weekend for the BookCon, also taking place at the convention centre in New York.


Take this opportunity and come visit us, we are waiting at booth #3029


Not to worry, if you cannot be in New York to ask us a question in person, we are still going to be available to reach through the contact form for those of you needing our help. However, we have decided to put all the new releases on hold until we are all back in our BookLikes hub and brainstorm new exciting ideas. So, as for this Thursday, the theme is... NYC, baby! 

Review to come

The Blood of Olympus - Rick Riordan

I will be writing a review for this book on my blog My Owl's Library so stay tune 


Read a Thon wrap up #RYBSAT

Here is my wrap up of the books I read during the read a thon that ended May 25th




New review of the Silkworm by Robert Galbraith

just posted a new review on Robert Galbraith's latest book The Silkworm 


check it out



Want to know how to spice up your blog check out this post by Book likes #booklikes

Spice your posts: embed Tweets and Tumblr posts into your BookLikes texts

Reblogged from My Owl's Library:
How to spice up you blog Check it out


Embedded post is a simple way of adding a public post published on other platforms to your BookLikes reviews and texts. Now you can spice your posts with embedded Tweets and Tumblr content. Here's how. 


You can get the embedded code directly from the post on Twitter or Tumblr, click the three dot icon for more options under the posts and Embed:





Grab the codes and paste them into the writing box on your BookLikes. 



Choose a place where you want to put the embedded post, and click the icon on the tool bar. Then paste the code in the window:



The embedded post won't be visible in full in the editing mode:



Embedded tweet



Embedded Tumblr post



But when you save to Draft or Publish... Voila! Your first embedded post is ready and looks great!


Embedded tweet



Embedded Tumblr post 


P.S. For video scripts: remember to use the Video type pots.



Why it's great to use the embedded posts? 


Thanks to the embedded posts you can share the news, support the author of the post, and spice your texts with real-life examples.


It's also a great way to show the reference sources when you want to quote a person or refer to the idea published on somebody else's profile. The embedded post always shows the author and the source link making it easier for the reader to go back to the original text, profile or post. 


Why not to embed the Tweets and Tumblr posts to trigger the discussion? The more diversified your posts are, the more popular your text will become. We bet your followers will love to engage in the discussion where they can view different point of views with supporting examples. In consequence, this will boost the engagement and turn your readers and followers into active participants of your BookLikes webpage. 


Finally, you can use the embedded posts to show your best content from your social media and gain followers on various platforms you're active on.

How to spice up you blog Check it out

Spice your posts: embed Tweets and Tumblr posts into your BookLikes texts

Reblogged from BookLikes:


Embedded post is a simple way of adding a public post published on other platforms to your BookLikes reviews and texts. Now you can spice your posts with embedded Tweets and Tumblr content. Here's how. 


You can get the embedded code directly from the post on Twitter or Tumblr, click the three dot icon for more options under the posts and Embed:





Grab the codes and paste them into the writing box on your BookLikes. 



Choose a place where you want to put the embedded post, and click the icon on the tool bar. Then paste the code in the window:



The embedded post won't be visible in full in the editing mode:



Embedded tweet



Embedded Tumblr post



But when you save to Draft or Publish... Voila! Your first embedded post is ready and looks great!


Embedded tweet



Embedded Tumblr post 


P.S. For video scripts: remember to use the Video type pots.



Why it's great to use the embedded posts? 


Thanks to the embedded posts you can share the news, support the author of the post, and spice your texts with real-life examples.


It's also a great way to show the reference sources when you want to quote a person or refer to the idea published on somebody else's profile. The embedded post always shows the author and the source link making it easier for the reader to go back to the original text, profile or post. 


Why not to embed the Tweets and Tumblr posts to trigger the discussion? The more diversified your posts are, the more popular your text will become. We bet your followers will love to engage in the discussion where they can view different point of views with supporting examples. In consequence, this will boost the engagement and turn your readers and followers into active participants of your BookLikes webpage. 


Finally, you can use the embedded posts to show your best content from your social media and gain followers on various platforms you're active on.

Read a thon May 18th to May 25

Hey I'll be joining the Read Your BookShelf-A–Thon  #RYBSAT  happening this week.


Check out what I'm reading
